Jibboom Street, LLC is a development project initiated by local, Sean Whelan. Sean has lived in Tahoe City since 2011 raising his two kids that now attend North Tahoe High School. He is the coach of the NTHS baseball team, coached little league and softball for 8 years and served as the Creekside Charter School board president for 6 years.

Sean Whelan
Owner & Developer
Sean has 20 years of development experience including twelve multifamily projects serving 70 first time buyers in San Francisco and over 50 long term tenants that work within the Lake Tahoe school district boundaries - the workforce that our economy depends. His last two projects have been focused on workforce housing in Truckee and Tahoe City. In 2014, he converted the historic Cottage Hotel (located adjacent to El Toro Bravo) into 13 workforce-housing units all leased annually, no short term rentals. In 2020, he completed a 17 unit workforce housing project in Tahoe City housing 34 long-term tenants, all locally employed. The employers of the tenants include ski resorts, schools, fire department, local county, restaurant and tourist attractions.